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Writer's pictureStanley Fink

Lake P vs. Lake P Troll Technique, along trestles



The other day me got a text from Big Dwyane, (He be MIA for 16-18 months) letting me know if me needed a first mate he is available. Called and told him it would be sometime in December before we could hook up, no problem says he.


As faith would have it, Tuesday became an opportunity to assault Lake P trestles, so me texted Big Dwyane to see if he would make, yessum was his text back


Me have a first mate for Tuesday trip abord the Bya Flat Jr, and as he texted he be experience with voice activated power poles, and he be a good hook remover too.




·         Monday night card game exciting had some great food, and me no fish at table this time, me .25 of a “C” note ahead.

·         Eat desert, me thought me had a sugar attack after eating me handmade banana split.

·         Went to Waffle House after the game, had snack & coffee, with Big Alex, got home at 1AM, got to bed at 1:30 AM up at 5 AM for meet up with Big Dwyane at The Point for 6 AM.

·         NO rabbit sightings along road, not a good sign this be

·         Had 8-10 boats already launched had 8-10 boats waiting to launch

·         Big Dwyane backed Bay Flat Jr down in the water ’Yamaha Nightmare Machine fired up on second pull, what a life, luck me must be

·         Off to trestles to start our fun day of fishing




·          Perfect

·         Wind  : W.N.W. 4-6, W.N.W. 6-8, N.N.W. 8-10 mph.

·         Water status / conditions: slight chop

·         Sky, overcast, misting early AM

·         Temp, mild had rain jacket on all day, no jumpsuit needed

·         Water level, up 4-6”

·         Water Temp , 65.4  F

·         Salinity,   4.2

·         Specific Conductance  7800 

·         Pressure,  30.14  R

·         Water clarity on a scale of 1-7 7 plus,

·         Mississippi gauge:  3.7’

·         Caernarvon Outfall:  578         ft3/s

·         Tide, Falling all morning

·         Peak tide, 06-09  H  .92’

·         Peak tide,   16:16  L  .59’

·         Major Feed Time:   07:19 / 19:46 

·         Minor feed time:    01:54 / 13:44

·         Tidal Coefficient:     58

·         Loons out and about

·         Some bait in water

·         Fish Activity

·           Average Activity   

·         Boats out and about,  40 plus




·         Be safe.

·         Have fun.

·         This is me daily therapy for ALL me aliments.

·         Put some run time on the Bay Flat Jr and the Yamaha Nightmare Machine

·         Gather Intel for future trips, and to share with fisherperson, (on Facebook) to help assist them in their choice of areas to fish, lures to use and presentation of same to the elusive Silverwonders.

·         Catch what catch can.

·         Learn what learn can.

·         Provide refresher Lake P Troll technique / presentation to Big Dwyne

·         See if Big Girls still out there

·         Bring home some fishes for Big Dwyane & family

·         Find a spot  # with the seven fundamentals / criteria of catching:

1 WIND AT YOUR BACK: (Had some impact on our ability to troll ,cause us to have the Bay Flat Jr on a 30* angle as we moved forward to compensate for wind and current.)

2 MOVING WATER: (Falling all morning, no current lines. But you could see where current tearing around trestles.)

3 WATER CALRITY: (A 7, only if Delacroix had this clarity, pretty water it be, dark, clear & clean, just the way me like it.)

4 HOLDING FISH:  (FB 3 to FB 5, highway 11 bridge too)

5 PATIENCES: (In honey hole at 6:42, 6:48 bam a hit popped line, 6:51 bam 4-5# Silverwonder in Bay Flat Jr, action was hot and heavy until we got boxed in by other boats.)

6 SKILL: (Team Jo-Jo Lake P Troll technique / presentation)

7 LUCKS: (This fishing opportunity came up)


·      Oneofthepack’s repertoire of Techniques / presentations:


·         Anchor up cast & retrieve slowly along the bottom, with a twitch every now and then, tight lining…………………………………DID NOT TRY

·         Drift with the wind cast & retrieve (DWWC&R)……………DID NOT TRY

·         Oak River Troll (ORT)……………….Did not try.

·         Reverse Oak River Troll (RORT) ………..DID NOT TRY

·         Oak River Skim (ORS) ……………DID NOT TRY

·         Cork ……..DID NOT TRY

·         Lake P Troll (LPT)…………….All fish caught with this technique.

·         Drop shot: Did not try.

·         Dead bait……None

·         Live bait………………None


·      Oneofthepack ‘S repertOIRE of LURE DU JOUR:


·         3” H&H Purple Beetle, matched up with H&H ¼ oz. round white head with gold hook……………Did not try

·         3” Chartreuse Glow Beetle, matched up with H&H ¼ oz. round white head w/gold hook………….Did not try

·         Matrix Shad Lemon Drop, matched up with H&H ¼ oz. round white head w/gold hook……………Did not try.

·         Matrix Shad Lemon Drop, matched up with H&H 3/8 oz. round white head w/gold hook……………DID NOT TRY

·         Matrix Shad Lemon Drop, matched up with H&H 1/2 oz. round white head w/gold hook……………DID NOT TRY

·         Salt Strong Power Prawn (added 10-25-24) matched up with: Did not use:

§  ¼ oz. jig head :          

§  3/8 oz. jig head :    

§  Tandem Rig:           

·         Matrix Shad Lemon Drop, matched up with 3/4 oz. round lead head w/ 2 trailers, ……All fish caught with this rig.

·         Tandem rig, ¼ oz. round H&H jig head with gold hook, matched up with Matrix Shad Lemon Drop …..Did not try.




Lake P trestles, FB3 -FB4 and Hwy 11 bridge.




·         Lived to fish another day.

·         (23) NMR Silverwonders

·         (2) Flounder

·         (4) popped lines , BIG girls they be

·         Hung up on pilings (7) times but only lost 2 Lake Troll Rigs

·         Being on the water with one of the best fisherperson me know that be Big Dwyane


·         Lessons learned:


§  Had a fisherperson run across our stern while we be trolling, he peeled 100 yards of 20# power pro off me reel, not good Best me forget and chill, but that did not happen.

§  Big girls where between FB3 & EB4

§  Me Chicness bait casters falling a party, they lasted a couple of years, but they be falling apart in me hand

§  Need to make more pre-rigged trailer rig, went through (10) in 2 tripe

§  Stopped by at Gus Net & Tackle  shop on Hwy 433 Sidell, picked up (4) packs of trailer, Gus has a good inventory at present, suggest you make it their now and get them while he has them.

o   Bright green w/sparkles

o   Bring orange w/ sparkles

o   Above what we use

o   We gave a Lake P Troll rig to Gus, stop by and see it firsthand, plus you can get all, (3/4oz. jig head, trailers, and matrix shads, all components needed for Lake P Troll rig,

·         Best fishing trip of my life, until the next one.




Oneofthepack was on, on, on in quarter 1 &2 , but when we go to the 3rd quarter, Big Dwyane presentation kicked in, he caught last 7-8 (NMR) Silverwonders, he was on, on, on. For being MIA for 16-18 months, be off water, and still had the same Lake P Troll rig on his pole that he used 18 months ago, he came to fish. Big Dwayn be the fisherperson of the day for sure.




You might want to get over to Gus’s net & tackle, (Hwy 433 Slidell)  to get some squid trailers, ¾ oz jig head, and #4 red trouble hooks while he has them.


Team Jo-Jo gave Gus a made-up Lake P Troll rig for him to show you when you come in to look at and see it first-hand.


We make up trailer rigs and keep them in a pouch so we can quickly put them on should we pop line. You don’t want to be trying to tie whole trailer rig on water, it will save you a couple of knots you will have to tie. Me had (10) me already out of them, need to make some more.


As for catching, it is now or never, big girls in the water, just go out and do it.




“One secret of catching success in life is for a fisherperson to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.”




Why did the fish refuse to play cards?


TEAM JO-JO’S future stratagem:


Big Ron & family, (3 boys) will be abord the Bay Flat Sr down in Delacroix tomorrow, sure hope we can catch a few and keep the crew interested in the catching game, until then:


Good Fishing

Team Jo-Jo & Oneofthepack




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