Team Jo-Jo’s Big Ronnie and his son Big Mike embarked on an exciting fishing expedition to Hopedale on Thursday. It was a special journey for Big Ronnie, as he wanted to create lasting memories with Big Mike before their return to the serene landscapes of the north.
Their day started with a quest for live bait, but Michael decided to try something different by using naked power prawn, a choice that proved fruitful as he reeled in quite a few impressive catches. They also experimented with tipping shrimp on plastic lures, a tactic that seemed to make a noticeable difference in their success rate. Michael's use of garlic spray with the naked power prawn added an enticing aroma to their bait, attracting even more bites.
Their efforts were rewarded with a remarkable 20-inch catch and several other noteworthy ones. Notably, Michael had the thrill of landing a big flounder, adding an extra layer of excitement to their adventure.
As the sun set on their successful fishing trip, Big Ronnie & Big Mike were filled with contentment, knowing that they had made the most of their time on the water and created cherished memories together.
Good Fishing
Team Jo-Jo & Oneofthepack