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New area to do Lake P Troll



Ahoy, shipmate! Today, first mate Big Rudy and I embarked on a grand adventure, embracing the challenge that Mother Nature laid before us as we set out in search of the legendary Silverwonder. With the winds howling and the waves crashing, we stood side by side, ready to conquer whatever obstacles came our way. Through storms and swells, our determination never wavered. With each cresting wave, our spirits soared higher, fueled by the thrill of the chase and the camaraderie of the open sea. And though the Silverwonder may have remained elusive for now, our bond grew stronger with each shared moment of triumph and challenge. Together, we sail forth, undaunted by the unknown, for the true treasure lies in the journey itself.





·         ChatGPT, AI has entered me fishing reports, used 1st time today

·         Mother Nature had seem nasty weather f our today, but we accepted the challenge

·         Up at 6 AM, we talked about going, it was agreed to take a chance and see if we could get a hour or two in fishing before rain hit

·         Meet up 7:40 AM at our abode

·         Loaded up Bay Flat Jr quickly

·         Made our way to new launch for us

·         Yamaha Nightmare Machine only took 1 pull to get her started, now that be a sign

·         Off to new area to pursue Lake P Troll technique




·         Perfect

·         Wind, E.S.E. 6-8, E.S.E. 3-4, S.E. 14-15 mph

·         Water status / conditions: little ripples, slight shop

·         Sky, overcast all day

·         Light rain all day

·         Temp, Jumpsuit & rain suite on all day, mild temps

·         Water level,  Normal

·         Water Temp ,  61.15  F

·         Salinity,   7.1

·         Specific Conductance  11900

·         Pressure,     30.09  F

·         Water clarity on a scale of 1-7,

·         Tide, slack, start to come in

·         Peak tide,  05:41  L  0.00’

·         Peak tide,   15:33  H  .066’

·         Major Feed Time:   22:43 / none

·         Minor feed time:    09:01  /  21:13

·         Tidal Coefficient:     57

·         No birds diving

·         Not much bait in water

·         Water looked very fresh water look

·         Fish Activity

·              Average Activity   

·         Boats out and about,  1 other boat






·         Be safe

·         Have fun

·         This be me daily therapy for ALL me aliments

·         Put some run time on the Bay Flat Jr and the Yamaha Nightmare  Machine

·         Gather Intel for future trips, and to share with fisherperson, (on Facebook) to help assist them in their choice of areas to fish, lures to use and presentation of same to the elusive Silverwonders.

·         Catch what catch can

·         Learn what learn can

·         Try out new spot for Lake P Troll

·         Learn new spots, depth, strike zones, channel edges , hang ups, pros & cons

·         Big Home some dinner for Petite Yana

·         Find a spot  # with the seven fundamentals / criteria of catching:

1 WIND AT YOUR BACK: (Not a factor, this area somewhat protected from just about any wind direction)

2 MOVING WATER: (Slack at first then started to come in, it seem like the fish where biting better with a slack tide)

3 WATER CALRITY: (4 plus, clean, clear, just a little sandy looking, and fresh water looking)

4 HOLDING FISH:  (2) areas just off points, we kept trolling past them back and forth, we tried to set up on one point, but no action we had to keep trolling)

5 PATIENTS: (Redwarrior on second troll, relocated, 10:30 to 11:45 had lots of strikes & fish, but after that very, very slow it be)

6 SKILL: (Lake B Troll technique)

7 LUCK: (Got wet but not soaked, rain on us most of the time. Found us a new spot to do Lake P Troll)


·      Oneofthepack’s repertoire of Techniques / presentations:


·         Anchor up cast & retrieve slowly along the bottom, with a twitch every now and then, tight lining…………………………………Tried a few minutes, nothing

·         Drift with the wind cast & retrieve (DWWC&R)……………DID NOT TRY

·         Oak River Troll (ORT)……………….Did not try

·         Reverse Oak River Troll (RORT) ………..DID NOT TRY

·         Oak River Skim (ORS) ……………DID NOT TRY

·         Cork ……..DID NOT TRY

·         Lake P Troll (LPT)…………….All fish caught this way

·         Drop shot: Did not try

·         Dead bait……None

·         Live bait………………None


·      Oneofthepack ‘S repertOIRE of LURE DU JOUR:


·         3” H&H Purple Beetle, matched up with H&H ¼ oz. round white head with gold hook……………Did not try

·         3” Chartreuse Glow Beetle, matched up with H&H ¼ oz. round white head w/gold hook………….Did not try

·         Matrix Shad Lemon Drop, matched up with H&H ¼ oz. round white head w/gold hook……………Did not try

·         Matrix Shad Lemon Drop, matched up with H&H 3/8 oz. round white head w/gold hook……………DID NOT TRY

·         Matrix Shad Lemon Drop, matched up with H&H 1/2 oz. round white head w/gold hook……………DID NOT TRY

·         Matrix Shad Lemon Drop, matched up with 3/4 oz. round lead head w/ 2 trailers, ……All fish caught this way

·         Tandem rig, ¼ oz. round H&H jig head with gold hook, matched up with Matrix Shad Lemon Drop …..Did not try








·         Lived to fish another day

·         (20) Silverwodners, 13 Miniwonders

·         (4) Redwarroies, 3 Ratwarroies

·         (8) Hang ups, 3 popped lines , loss rigs

·         Chips & drinks as provided by Big Rudy, thanks man they were good

·         Bay Flat Jr got washed, Mother Nature did a good job of it

·         Our exploration paid off, area we fished has a lot to offer

·         Being on the water with one of the best fisherpersons me know, that be Big Rudy

·         Lessons learned:

o   Learn a new productive area to do Lake P Troll

o   Learn were all the hang ups are

o   Learn strike zones

o   Learn pros & cons of fishing this area

·         Best fishing trip of my life, until the next one.




Like a broken record, Big Rudy dominated Redwarroies, and caught 3 to 1 on Silverwonders, even lead in the hang ups, Big Rudy be fisherpersons of the day.


Based on comment above, me think me know what me doing wrong,  me not on bottom and/close to bottom, me not hanging up, but he be. That be where the Silverwonders located. Next time out me will play Russian Roulette with bottom an make sure me on / close to same.




Weatherman not always right, “Best to go to know” and rain don’t bother fish, just have a good rain suite, plastic bags to protect tackle boxes,  and you too can have an excellent trip in the rain.




"There is only one reason in the world to go fishing: to enjoy yourself. Anything that detracts from enjoying yourself is to be avoided.”




If you were hired to show fishing tourists what catching is really like where you live, what would you show them / have them do?


TEAM JO-JO’S future stratagem:


Next up perch trip Wednesday with Capt Don, until then stay tune:


Good Fishing

Team Jo-Jo & Oneofthepack


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