Team Jo-Jo:
Team Jo-Jo’s Big T-Doc and his first mate, Big Pablo, decided to challenge the winds out of Chef, navigating Bayou Bienvenue and the surrounding areas to see if the Silverwonders and Redwarriors would come out to play—and enjoy a free live shrimp meal at the same time.
Here’s their story:
As they set off, the winds were strong, but their determination was stronger. Big T-Doc skillfully steered through the gusts, while Big Pablo readied the live shrimp, hoping it would be the bait that no fish could resist. The two of them knew it would be a challenging day, but Team Jo-Jo wasn’t one to back down from a good fishing test.
Their first stop was a tucked-away spot in Bayou Bienvenue where the water looked promising. They cast their lines, and sure enough, the Silverwonders were quick to make an appearance, taking the bait with enthusiasm. One by one, Big T-Doc and Big Pablo brought them in, their catches a testament to persistence and patience.
With the Silverwonders biting, they ventured further to explore other spots, hoping to find the elusive Redwarriors. Battling against the wind, they finally located a prime area, and it wasn’t long before the Redwarriors showed up to the live shrimp buffet. The fight was on, with each catch putting up a good struggle, but Big T-Doc and Big Pablo held their own.
By day’s end, they had managed an impressive haul of both Silverwonders and Redwarriors, proving once again that a little wind couldn’t stand in the way of Team Jo-Jo’s fishing success!
Big Pablo report as follows:
· Saturday 11-2-24 bayou Bienvenu and intercostal Tdoc and Pablo we get 2 reds 2 drum 3 bass 1 speck and 1 Sheepshead.
Good Fishing
Team Jo-Jo & Oneofthepack