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All you need to know about Silverwonders & then some

Writer's picture: Stanley FinkStanley Fink

Team Jo-Jo         3-2-24




Attach a lot info / intel on Speckle Trout, let's discuss and see if we agree and/or have a conflict , and/or difference of opinion with some of the line items.


Some of the sites in blue give you info on the migration of Speckle Trout into * out of Lake P , might want to check them out.



Good Fishing



Team Jo-Jo & Oneofthepack





Tracking fish in Lake P
















Common Coastal Species

Size Limit

Bag & Possession Limit

Spotted Seatrout4 (Speckled Trout)

13” min total length 20” max total length

15 daily per person with no more than 2 over 20” max total length4

Highly Migratory Species5




What is the biggest speckled trout caught in Louisiana?

12.38 lb whopper

Specks might be the saltwater state fish of Louisiana, but the largest one caught here actually came from a lake. The record Speckled Trout was a 12.38 lb whopper, caught in April 1950 on Lake Hermitage.Oct 11, 2023




Where do speckled trout spawn in Louisiana?


Both drumming aggregations and spawning take place in areas 6-165 deep with good tidal flow, such as passes and channels. Spawning begins at sunset and is usually over by midnight. Speckled trout spawning activity depends on environmental factors such as currents, salinity and temperature.



Where is the best speckled trout fishing in Louisiana?


The Best Places to Fish in Louisiana

·         Belle Chasse, LA.

·         Boothville-Venice, LA.

·         Buras, LA.

·         Chauvin, LA.

·         Cypremort Point, LA.

·         Delacroix, LA.

·         Golden Meadow, LA.

·         Grand Isle, LA.




What is the best bait for speckled trout in Louisiana?


As we touched on before, Specked Trout feast on shrimp in the Fall and so, live white shrimp is the best option to go with, especially during the Fall season. Other successful options for bait include cocahoes and storm minnows since this is their main source of food during the Winter season.Nov 10, 2020



What time of day to fish for speckled trout?



Top Speckled Trout Fishing TimesIn addition, they are known to feed when the light conditions change, as this is when baitfish becomes more active. In light of the above, a good time to catch speckled trout is the morning. Not only may you catch more of these fish but also you might catch some bigger ones.Feb 13, 2020




How do you attract speckled trout?



To catch sea trout or speckled trout consistently, you need to have the right lures and fishing rigs. Some of the best lures for these fish include soft plastics, topwater lures, and suspending baits. For fishing rigs, a popping cork rig or a Carolina rig can be effective.Mar 1, 2023








What is the best bait for speckled trout?



Best speckled trout baits

·         Peeler crab.

·         Soft crab.

·         Shrimp.

·         Live minnows or small baitfish.






Where is the best place to catch speckled trout?



Shallow bays, coves, wrecks, rockpiles and grass beds are great places to hunt. Shallow to me is two to seven feet or so, but can vary depending on where you are targeting these fish.







Where do speckled trout like to hang out?



Thus another reason for speckled trout to be found hanging out around shallow flats, reefs and grass beds. The shallow water can be difficult for dolphins, sharks, bull reds and other large predator fish from making a meal out of a speckled trout. While reefs and grass beds can provide some cover for them to hide.





What color lures to use for speckled trout?



A light color is typically chartreuse, or white, or Matrix Shad's "Ultraviolet". A dark color would be a purple, or even black. It's pretty simple, and I'm satisfied fishing with any of these colors.Dec 7, 2017





Do speckled trout bite at night?



Night Fishing for Specks - Go on Top When the Bite SlowsTypically, plastic bait tails or double rigged jigs/worms are the number one choice of most night fishermen. Popular colors that will usually work anywhere on the coast are the standard: white, hot pink, red, and chartreuse.






How fast should you troll for speckled trout?



Trolling speed for specks is commonly about 1.2 to 1.7 knots, and speeding up and/or slowing down periodically will also be helpful in generating a bite.




Are speckled trout bottom feeders?



In shallow water, trout will eat from the surface and middle of the water column such as in streams and rivers. In deep water, trout will eat from the bottom such as in large lakes and oceans. A good rule of thumb when fishing for trout is to fish near the surface in rivers and near the bottom in lakes.Jan 25, 2022





What temperature do speckled trout stop biting?



Specked trout are very cold water tolerant and will bite during some pretty cold temperatures when their lives depend on it. BUT, in general, the bite will be extremely slow or non existent when the water temperatures get down in the mid 60 degree to the upper 40 degree levels.






Will trout bite mid day?



In the summer, lake trout feed between first light and before 11 a.m., especially when the water is as calm as glass with clear skies and high pressure. In the early spring, your chances of success increase throughout the lake since trout feed in more parts of the lake and during longer periods of the day.






What is the best water temperature for speckled trout fishing?



While Speckled Trout are active with a temperature range from 43 to 87 degrees, dropping into the 70's definitely heats up the bite much like that of Redfishing and Flounder fishing. However, the great thing about fishing for Speckled Trout is that they remain active until the water temps reach below the mid 40's.Sep 17, 2021




What color attracts trout the best?



Most trout waters have a "secret combination" of colors that seem to always catch fish. Classic color pairs include yellow/black, red/yellow and black/fluorescent.






What colors do speckled trout like?



On bright days in dirty water, we suggest the use of chartreuse or fire tiger and pink or white lures. There are always rule breakers and several colors work very well in multiple conditions. Kelley Wiggler's Ball Tail Shad in plum chartreuse works well in any water conditions.Feb 1, 2014





What bait catches the most trout?



If you're thinking about fishing for some trout, here are the top 5 best baits and lures that are sure to get you a bite:

1.    Insects. Trout are always on the hunt for food and will eat just about anything in their sight. ...

2.    Rebel Wee-Crawfish. ...

3.    Minnows. ...

4.    Fish Eggs. ...

5.    Berkley PowerBait.





Do speckled trout like spoons?



Weedless Spoons for Speckled TroutWeedless spoons excel over seagrass beds and oyster bars. The fluttering action mimics crabs or distressed baitfish. Tie spoons on with a swivel to reduce line twist, and retrieve slowly and steadily so the lure wobbles just off the bottom.Jul 1, 2022






Where do speckled trout go in the summer?



Areas where two creeks converge, or a marsh edge that has a creek flowing out of it are good examples of places where there are current seams. This is your best place to start looking for summertime trout.




Where do speckled trout lay eggs?



Depending on the size of the female, spotted seatrout produce anywhere from 10,000 to millions of oceanic eggs. The most important nursery grounds for the young are small tidal marsh creeks and shallow grass beds, while larger juveniles are widely distributed in estuarine areas and along coastal beaches.





How do you fish for speckled trout in Louisiana?



Artificial lures are most efficient, as they allow you to quickly cover water and find active areas. However, Robichaux said that bringing live shrimp and croakers along increases your chances for quality bites — especially during July, which he knows as a big-trout month.






When can you catch speckled trout in Louisiana?



Anglers prefer to fish for specks in summer and the second preference is fall. Fishing is most intense in sheltered inside waters. More big trout are caught in spring because they move into shallow beach and bay habitats at that time for their first spawn of the season.





How far do speckled trout migrate?



Multiple studies in Florida showed that speckled trout seldom move over 30 miles and that most fish never left the estuary, although one fish tagged in the Apalachicola, Florida area was recovered 315 miles away near Grand Isle, Louisiana. Spotted seatrout do move seasonally within a bay system, however.





What kind of lures do speckled trout like?



I prefer a jig head with a lighter hook and a slightly smaller gap over some of the more popular prose style jig heads with a heavy hook in a wide gap. Speckled trout have a thin membrane in their mouth and I find the smaller hooks to result in more fish landed.





How do you target big speckled trout?





And the big flats. But an area that i see a lot of people pass. Up are big docks and rock wallsMore






Do you need a leader for speckled trout?



The key to getting more of those fish in the box is to rig up with a Seaguar fluorocarbon leader.” Indeed, whether you choose to fish with live bait or artificials, with a tight line or beneath a popping cork, using a leader of Seaguar Gold Label will help more speckled trout find the bottom of the landing net.




What pound test for speckled trout?



This will make your speckled trout fishing day a lot more eventful. You will want to spool your reel with either an 8 pound mono filament main line or a 6 pound braided line. The 8 pound mono filament set up does not require a leader and will cause many less tears in the mouths of the trout.






How deep to fish for speckled trout?

These beautiful birds are a strong indicator that there are Specks around, especially in the summer. Water depth: Speckled Trout thrive in waters that are anywhere from 2–15 inches deep.Feb 1, 2024





What is the best bait for speckled trout at night?



What is the Best Way Technique for Sea Trout Fishing at Night? The best way to catch speckled sea trout at night is to target them by dock lights and bridge lights. Use a live shrimp or small white bait fished with very light leader of 8 pounds or less and a 3/0 circle hook.







What colors do trout see best at night?



In low light (deep water or time of day), trout respond better to contrast, like a black / white fly, than to one of blended colors. Darker colors like black, blue, violet, and fluorescent colors are good attracters in low light conditions.Aug 5, 2022





How old is a 30 inch speckled trout?



between 8 - 10 years old

Trophy-sized Spotted Seatrout (> 25 inches) are usually females. As it turns out, the terminal length of female trout in Texas is around 30 inches, compared to about 23 inches in males. Terminal length in both genders is approached between 8 - 10 years old.Jul 1, 2023




What is the best leader for speckled trout?



The best leader size for 10 pound braid is 20 pound for most inshore fishing scenarios. A 20 pound leader coupled with a 10 pound braid will catch everything from big bass to snook, tarpon, speckled trout and redfish inshore.





What are the white worms in speckled trout?



Spaghetti worms are common parasites of saltwater fish in the drum family, which include speckled and white trout, black drum, redfish, and croakers. While they look alike to most fishermen, several different worms use these fish as hosts. Most common in sea trout is Poecilancistrium caryophyllum.




How to tell the difference between a male and female speckled trout?

Look at the mouthIf your trout has a lower jaw with a kype, it's a male for sure. Although the mouth of a female trout will grow larger as it ages and increases in size, the mouth will never grow a kype (hooked lower jaw). Upon becoming sexually mature, male trout will begin to grow a pronounced kype.Dec 18, 2023




What time of day do trout bite best?



Trout may bite at any time of the day but often it's found that fishing early in the morning or late afternoon is likely to yield the best results.Mar 14, 2021





What is the best month to fish for trout?

As a general rule, you can fly fish year-round. March through October are going to be more productive with longer windows of opportunity. November through January will be limited to the warmest part of the day with less productivity.





How old is a 15 inch trout?



age 2

Also notice the significant differences in growth rates between sexes, with males growing considerably slower than females. This graph shows that a female trout 15-16 inches is around age 2, while it takes a male 3 years to reach that size range.Nov 1, 2014





How do speckled trout migrate?



Multiple studies in Florida showed that speckled trout seldom move over 30 miles and that most fish never left the estuary, although one fish tagged in the Apalachicola, Florida area was recovered 315 miles away near Grand Isle, Louisiana. Spotted seatrout do move seasonally within a bay system, however.



Are there speckled trout in Lake Pontchartrain?



Typically, the fall's arrival focuses the attention of Lake Pontchartrain anglers on the bridges as speckled trout, flounder, black drum and redfish gather at the pilings of the Causeway, trestles and Twin Spans to fatten up for the winter.





How far do speckled trout travel?



In general, spotted seatrout appear to be non-migratory and spend their entire life within five to ten miles of their natal estuary, although fish from the Chesapeake Bay have been known to migrate seasonally (south in the fall, north in the spring) to North Carolina waters.







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